Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Irealized that during the months from April to June I have tried 2 or 3 times to eat 100% raw and have managed for maybe 3 days and then just eaten a cooked snack and gone bck to being 80-90% raw. And that is still high raw and I realized I should not beat myself up about eating some cooked corn chips or a piece of bread, after all I still cook evening nutritious meals for my 3 children and husband and they are not vegan, though I have tried to buy organic chicken if I can and fish like salmon or white fish. Chicken and fish is all I cook for them and sometimes I make a totally vegan/vegetarian dish. I do however make sure my children drink a green smoothie every day with me and I try to juice carrot and cucumber juice with apples or oranges when I can. I'm including more salads with them too. So that really helps. I'm grateful they have been so healthy because of it. They barely get sick and if they get a touch of a cold, I just make lemon, ginger and honey drink for them whisked in blender and get them to drink it twice a day and in a few days along with jucing they are right as rain.

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